
Electric Fetus

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191 results found


Title Artist Release Date Label Format
Iv [Download Included] Psychic Temple 2017-07-14 JOYFUL NOISE RECORDS Vinyl
Iv (Hot Pink Vinyl) [Colored Vinyl] [Limited Edition] (Pnk) (Can) Psychic Temple 2017-07-14 JOYFUL NOISE RECORDS Vinyl
Spooky Action [Import Limited Edition Colored LP] Jason Loewenstein 2017-06-23 JOYFUL NOISE RECORDS Vinyl
Spooky Action [LP] Jason Loewenstein 2017-06-16 JOYFUL NOISE RECORDS Vinyl
Lingering [LP] Sleep Party People 2017-06-09 JOYFUL NOISE RECORDS Vinyl
From The Lake Trials The Mountain Goats 2017-06-01 JOYFUL NOISE RECORDS Vinyl
Lemon Cotton Candy Sunset [2LP] Richard Edwards 2017-03-31 JOYFUL NOISE RECORDS Vinyl
Lemon Cotton Candy Sunset [Lemon & Pink Colored 2LP] Richard Edwards 2017-03-31 JOYFUL NOISE RECORDS Vinyl
Moh Lhean [Blue LP] Why? 2017-03-03 JOYFUL NOISE RECORDS Vinyl
Moh Lhean [Import Vinyl] Why? 2017-03-03 JOYFUL NOISE RECORDS Vinyl
Freedays [White Vinyl] Tall Tall Trees 2017-02-17 JOYFUL NOISE RECORDS Vinyl
Snowdonia [White Vinyl] Surfer Blood 2017-02-03 JOYFUL NOISE RECORDS Vinyl
Snowdonia [Vinyl] Surfer Blood 2017-02-03 JOYFUL NOISE RECORDS Vinyl
He's Got The Whole This Land Is Your Land In His Hands [Vinyl] Joan Of Arc 2017-01-20 JOYFUL NOISE RECORDS Vinyl
Apocalypse Fetish EP [10in Clear Vinyl] Lou Barlow 2016-11-11 JOYFUL NOISE RECORDS Vinyl
Xyz [Colored Vinyl] (Red) [Download Included] Rafter 2016-10-28 JOYFUL NOISE RECORDS Vinyl
The Bride on The Boxcar: A Decade of Margot Rarities 2004-2014 [5CD Box Set] Margot & The Nuclear So And So's 2016-10-14 JOYFUL NOISE RECORDS CD
Popular Cycles [Colored Vinyl] (Org) [Download Included] Busmans Holiday 2016-10-14 JOYFUL NOISE RECORDS Vinyl
Necronomidonkeykongimicon [Purple Vinyl] Goblin Cock 2016-09-30 JOYFUL NOISE RECORDS Vinyl
Sonderlust [Indie Exclusive Gold/Black Vinyl] Kishi Bashi 2016-09-16 JOYFUL NOISE RECORDS Vinyl
Sonderlust [Vinyl] Kishi Bashi 2016-09-16 JOYFUL NOISE RECORDS Vinyl
Shake, Cackle And Squall [Vinyl] Jad Fair & David 2016-08-05 JOYFUL NOISE RECORDS Vinyl
666 (Can) Sugar Candy Mountain 2016-07-15 JOYFUL NOISE RECORDS Vinyl
Command Your Weather [Vinyl] Big Business 2016-07-15 JOYFUL NOISE RECORDS Vinyl
666 (Can) Sugar Candy Mountain 2016-07-08 JOYFUL NOISE RECORDS CD
Casino Drone [Vinyl] Mike Adams at His Honest Weight 2016-05-20 JOYFUL NOISE RECORDS Vinyl
Testarossa [Vinyl] Yoni & Geti 2016-05-06 JOYFUL NOISE RECORDS Vinyl
Legend Ep (Ep) Magic Sword 2016-04-29 JOYFUL NOISE RECORDS Vinyl
Nostalgia For Infinity [Vinyl] Sound Of Ceres 2016-03-04 JOYFUL NOISE RECORDS Vinyl
String Quartet Live! [Vinyl] Kishi Bashi 2016-01-22 JOYFUL NOISE RECORDS Vinyl

Search performed in 19ms

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